KAEA would like to start featuring members from across the state in semi-regular blog posts to share some of the amazing things happening in Kansas art education and to shine a spotlight on members. Our first featured member is DeAnna Morgan.
DeAnna Morgan, center, with students after winning the Pioneer League Art Competition this spring. |
Interview with DeAnna Morgan
Where are you from? Fontana, Ks
Where did you earn your degree(s) and what are they?
I have a BSED in Art Education with a minor in Special Education from Pittsburg State University
Tell us about your teaching situation- where, what grades, how long have you been there?
I am the only Art Teacher at Wellsville USD 289 teaching grades 7-12. This is my second year here.
How long have you been a KAEA member?
I have been a member since I was a student at Pitt State, three years.
How have you benefited from KAEA membership?
NETWORKING. I never realized how much you can learn from others in your field until I joined. From lesson plans, to media tips and tricks, to connecting across the state for collaborative projects- it's been a great resource. It's such a great organization and I cherish opportunities to meet and work with colleagues.
What is your favorite thing about being an art teacher?
Seeing that moment when a student sits back and smiles and says, "I've done it. I've finished this artwork. Isn't it great?" When a student sees their progress and how proud they are of their hard work, those are the moments I look forward to every day.
What is your most memorable moment from teaching?
My most memorable moment was this last week when my Art Department won the first place title of our Pioneer League Art Competition over Prairie View's seven year streak. They worked incredibly hard all year and competed with phenomenal projects. We came home with three of the five best of show ribbons. The best part is that they were so humble about their win and that is when you know you're teaching your students right.
One piece of advice you would give to someone just starting out in art education?
Just starting out in college?- take special education classes they will help you more than you think. Interventions and accommodations take on another meaning when working in art media and it's important to learn things to help you be successful.
First year teacher- Keep a journal, write down things that work, throw out things that don't. It's okay for things to go bad once in a while, you learn, gain experience, and better your craft.
What is a tip or trick you’d like to share?
To keep your supplies from walking off, make students give you a shoe to 'check out' an eraser, pencil, compass, or xacto blade. When you get your supplies back, they in return can get their shoe. It has saved me a lot of worry about running out of things and the kids get a good giggle walking around lopsided too.
Thanks, DeAnna, for sharing!
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