Tuesday, February 2, 2016

#KSYAM16 Details

Dear Fellow Kansas Art Educators:
It's time to celebrate our profession and our student's accomplishments.
Please join the Kansas Art Education Association for our 
Annual Youth Art Month Celebration
SaturdayMarch 5th
at the Topeka State Capitol, 2nd floor.
Please park and enter through the North Side

Every Art Teacher in the state of Kansas is eligible to 
enter one work of art from 
ONE student in every school that you teach in.  

Labels for the artwork and an invitation can be printed from our website:
There are area YAM representatives listed on the website that are willing to take your artwork to Topeka for you.  Simply contact them for delivery.
*OR you can deliver your artwork in person on March 4th
from 4-8 pm to the Clubhouse Inn in Topeka.
*If that does not work, we will accept artwork by 8:00 am  
at the state capitol on March 5th

KAEA Members:
Remember that you can also enter an additional work of art into the:
KAEA Virtual YAM Gallery
Send those entries to Kate Miller
In the subject line, put Virtual Gallery.  Include a jpeg of the artwork (1 for 2-Dwork and up to 3 for 3-D work from different angles), student name, grade, artwork title, medium, school name and your name.  
Deadline, March 1st.

KAEA Members' students are also eligible to win First, Second, and Third place prizes in the Elementary, Middle, and Secondary levels provided by Sargent Art, Nasco and Molly Hawkins.  One student will be awarded a Grand Prize of an all-expenses paid trip to New York City for the student, one parent and the art teacher courtesy of Sargent Art.

Local Youth Art Month Celebrations
Help Kansas celebrate the visual arts by putting up an art display in your school, at a school board meeting or somewhere in your community.  Make sure that you mention that March is Youth Art Month.  Add some advocacy materials and put up the National Visual Arts Standards.  Call your local paper or add something to your school website, newsletter, or newspaper.  Get some coverage for your students and your art program...be your own best advocate!  Share all of your accomplishments with us by documenting what you have done and send that information to:  Megan Wendleton at meganwendleton@hotmail.com
so that we can include you in our YAM report.

Please fill out this google doc to help us with our record keeping:  
If you would like to help with
YAM, please contact:
Lynn Felts at 620-229-1309 or lynnfelts@cox.net